Veiled Unveiled

Royal de Brou Monastery

Exhibition dates

15 June to 22 September 2019

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Veiled Unveiled
Claude-Louise Batho, Le voile blanc, Avril 1980, tirage sur papier au gélatino-bromure d’argent, 29,5 x 22, 1981.38.5 ©musée Nicephore Niepce. Châlon-sur-Saône

Veiled Unveiled

The exhibition will focus on the representation of the veil through sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs from antiquity to the present day. A veil of modesty or mourning, religious or allegorical, of submission or coquetry, it conceals or enhances certain parts of the body, like a border separating the visible from the invisible. This textile accessory, common to all Mediterranean civilizations and nowadays subject to controversy, deserved to take a step back to better understand the evolution and uses in life and art.

See the project