Spatializations of the story

Enseigne des Oudins


Part I : From November, 3 to December, 19  2020

Part II : From January, 5 to Fabruary, 20 2021

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Spatializations of the story
Dominique Digeon, Brigitte Bardot, carte postale coupée et grattée, circa 2018. Photographie : Dominique Digeon – Enseigne des Oudin.

Spatializations of the story

The two volumes of this exhibition aim to make representations of the world visible through the map seen, the fragment, the puzzle, the body through its trace, its envelope and its absence. How do the exhibited artists share the sensitive experience of plastic work through heterogeneous practices in the service of a fiction of reality? Through subjective points of view, their relationships with others thus allow visitors through their works to live an experience of renewed gaze. To be in the world, to project oneself into a space, into an elsewhere: so many questions that open up to geography, to the social, to the real and to the imaginary.

See the project