Hanne Lippard.Solo show

49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine, Metz

Dates :

From June, 24 to October, 10 2021

Our missions :

Press Relations

Hanne Lippard.Solo show
© Hanne Lippard, I missed your call more than I missed you, 2020. © Photo : Kristof Vrancken

Hanne Lippard.Solo show

Using her voice as the main medium, Norwegian artist Hanne Lippard (* 1984) explores the social forms governing female speech. Her work, in line with that of great feminist figures, questions emancipation and social alienation in an age of hyper-connectivity.

From statements transformed into sound pieces, her texts evoke the place of the individual, more particularly the woman, in the face of established standards. For her first solo exhibition in France, Hanne Lippard offers an unprecedented experience of the place through an open system (installations, visual texts, scenic devices), activated by a series of performances over the summer. A unique project that invites us to rethink the exhibition as an immersive, individual and political experience, like a world in which we must give voice.

See the project