Céline Condorelli. Two Years’ Vacation

Frac Lorraine, Metz

Dates :

From July, 23 2020 to January, 24 2021

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Céline Condorelli. Two Years’ Vacation
Céline Condorelli © Frac Lorraine, Metz

Céline Condorelli. Two Years’ Vacation

Under a title that evokes a kind of permanent summer, the exhibition presents a reflection between the work of the artist Céline Condorelli (lives and works in London) and a selection of works from the collections of Frac Alsace, Frac Champagne-Ardenne, and Frac Lorraine.

In the development of her thinking around the concept of support, the artist specifically grapples with the structures that occupy public space, with those that allow for an integration of culture into the day-to-day, or that support works of art or the bodies of those who come to visit them.

For her first solo exhibition in France, Céline Condorelli makes use of emotional connections and affinities as a means of orientation towards an institution. Interrogating her place in front of these groupings of works, entities established across time, the artist chooses to look through the lens of affinity and labor – based on her observation that the artist’s labor becomes visible in the leisure time of the visitor, but also that affinities, like friendships, are tied to free time, and are essential to the development of artistic practice. By speaking about freed time, the artist also questions the functioning of the structures that support it (be they places of leisure, culture, or sports), but who rarely engage in social struggles or social issues.

In connection with the choice of Frac Lorraine to approach the collection as a reflection as a plurality of experiences, the artist proposes an exhibition as a space of friction that confronts shared pleasures, communal constraints and individual physical reality.

© Celine Condorelli

L’artiste explore les formes et situations associées au temps que l’on peut consacrer aux rapports humains, aux émotions, à soi-même, à l'oisiveté, en étudiant le temps libéré des contraintes associées au travail, né des luttes initiées par le mouvement ouvrier. Des œuvres d’artistes qui ont été sources d’inspiration, avec lesquel.les elle a travaillé ou qui sont proches d’elle, côtoient ici son travail, pour parler de l’articulation entre temps travaillé et temps libéré.

See the project